On 13th of March 2018 from 13:00 in Sofia, hotel Balkan with the support of Association of traders with electricity in Bulgaria /ATEB/ was held the sixth event from the series Energy Managers’ Forum organized by Utilities Magazine. The main topic of discussion was “Transition from power purchase agreements and fit-in tariffs toward liberalized market”
Keynote speakers of the event were Martin Georgiev – chairman of ATEB, Delyan Dobrev – chairman of the Energy Committee in the parliament, Anzhela Toneva – expert “Regulatory and administrative issues” in EMI, Konstantin Stamenov – chairman of the Bulgarian Federation of industrial energy consumers, Yasen Spasov – senior lawyer, Boyan Karshakov – chairman of Hydroenergy Association. Representatives from the institutions, state-owned companies, RE producers, electricity traders and consumers took active participation in the discussions as well.
The upcoming legislative changes were discussed related to the obligation of the power producers with PPAs and fit-in tariffs to sell their electricity only via IBEX. An important topic was the legal aspects and the potential solutions of the market liberalization – contracts for differences, contracts for premiums and mechanism for capacity allocation. Special focus was put on the good regulatory practices, applied in Europe during such transitions.
During the round table discussion Delyan Dobrev clarified that the proposition all PPAs and RE producers with installed capacity equal or over 4 MW to sell their electricity only via IBEX will come into force from 1st of July 2018, but a little delay is also possible. The chairman of the Energy and water regulatory commission (EWRC) Ivan Ivanov commented that the commission would like the amendment to come into force from 1st of July and stated that EWRC will be prepared for that. He assured the participants in the discussion that two weeks after the bill comes into force EWRC will publish amendments in the other corresponding regulatory acts, one of which are the Electricity trading rules.
Sources: Energy managers’ forum, publics.bg