In order all market participants to adopt to the new conditions when introducing a 15-minute settlement period, preparation of IBEX for the introduction of a 15-minute market time unit (MTU) in the ID market segment , which is a mandatory condition for switching to 15 minutes settlement period, the need for sub-normative changes and preparation of all parties for the larger volume of information to be exchanged, processed and registered, ESO will continue to conduct tests in connection with the transition to a 15-minute imbalance settlement period in June, according to published instructions.
ESO invites all market participants to actively participate in the tests, by sending real data in the test environment, and network operators – by sending profile data from metering devices with a resolution of 15 minutes. Only in this way will market participants and balancing group coordinators be able to obtain the results of the test settlement and make their own analyzes. Only in this way will trade participants and balancing group coordinators be able to obtain the results of the test settlement and make their own analyzes.
Additional instructions in connection with the tests are published on the ESO website, link
According to a meeting held at the Regulator on May 26, ESO expects instructions on deadlines for implementation and follow-up. Most likely the implementation deadline will be extended till the end of 2022.
Source: ESO