On 01.0.2022 the final price decision was published by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) for the period 2022/2023. EWRC determines estimated market price of 430.94 BGN / MWh. The data used by the commission for its calculations is based on the long-term auctions on the Bulgarian energy exchange, the Hungarian futures market and the European energy exchange. In these organized markets the prices of the products with delivery in 2022 and 2023 are steadily moving at levels above 450 BGN / MWh. Based on the estimated market price, the reference prices for the different producers and for the network operators are calculated as follows:
- ESO = BGN 421.08 / MWh
- ERP = BGN 446.78 / MWh
- VEKP (mainly district heating) = BGN 427.46 / MWh
- FtEC = BGN 395.67 / MWh
- VyaEC = BGN 440.21 / MWh
- HPP up to 10 MW = 381.23
The energy mix for the regulated market includes state-owned power plants – Kozloduy NPP with a price of 60.96 BGN / MWh and NEK with a price of 80.98 BGN / MWh. The other power plants that complement the energy mix are “AES – 3C Maritza East 1”, “Contour Global Maritza East 3”, as well as Cogeneration plants and RES producers with an installed capacity of less than 500 kW. EWRC also sets monthly quantities of the plants in the regulated mix, which are presented in the figure below.
Based on the energy mix, the average purchase price of the public supplier is 217.81 BGN / MWh. After deducting the compensations from the Security of the Electricity System Fund (SESF), the price at which NEK, as a public supplier, will sell electricity to the final suppliers, is estimated at 81.90 BGN / MWh, ie. significantly lower than the last year’s price. EWRC sets the size of the fee “obligation to society” to 0.00 BGN/MWh
However, for household customers supplied at regulated tariffs the final price of electricity rises by an average of 3.3%, respectively for Electrohold Sales (CEZ) by 2.39%, for EVN Bulgaria Electricity by 3.46%, for Energo-Pro Sales by 4.56%. The main reason for this is the significantly increased network charges for transmission and access to the electricity transmission and distribution networks.
In this regard, the EWRC approves an access price for conventional producers to the ESO transmission network in the amount of 2.30 BGN / MWh, and for RES producers in the amount of 5.26 BGN / MWh. The price for transmission through ESO’s network, paid by the end consumers, increases from 11.48 BGN / MWh to 19.89 BGN / MWh.
The price decision is published at:
Source: EWRC