Slovenian and Serbian TSOs along with EPEX SPOT established the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe. Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange – ADEX was officially established on 23 December 2022 in Ljubljana via formal signature of its founding members ELES, EMS, and EPEX SPOT. ADEX was established in the way of corporate merging between BSP SouthPool and SEEPEX, with the company’s headquarters in Ljubljana and main permanent offices in Ljubljana and Belgrade. The newly founded ADEX will offer harmonized one-stop-shop spot power trading services in Slovenia and Serbia, with the ambition to extend business to other countries in the Central and South-Eastern European (CSEE) region.
“With the establishment of the regional power exchange ADEX, the Slovenian BSP Energy Exchange, which has been present only in the Slovenian market, became an essential player in the electricity market of the wider European area. I am proud that ELES, as 100% owner of BSP, together with its strategic partners with a clear vision, has managed to achieve this enviable milestone, which is at the same time the first step towards a solid regional electricity exchange,” says Aleksander Mervar, CEO of ELES.
The short-term milestones of ADEX will be to deliver a new Intraday market in Serbia and coupling the pivotal Serbian Day-Ahead market with the pan-European Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) as soon as possible.
Source: EPEX spot